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Modern Bathroom


Please ensure the following six requirements are met prior to installing Serene Steam.


Shower enclosure

Standard with all steam showers

Your shower enclosure must be sealed and adapted correctly for steam use. Your local plumber/contractor should be able to provide the correct, basic steps including the following requirements below.


Shower size 1

Your shower floor

Your shower enclosure should be no more than +-120 cubic feet in total, or smaller.

For example: your shower enclosure would have a dimension of 5x3 feet.

Any combination of shower dimensions within 120 cubic feet should suffice.


Shower size 2

Your shower height

As with most steam shower enclosures, it is recommended to have your ceiling height at approximately 7.5 feet. 8 feet should still be acceptable. However, as with any heated environment, the heat will rise, and therefore the lower the ceiling, the better the performance.


System location

The required install location

Only install Serene Steam so that the steam system and bather/bench can be opposite each other as shown in this image.  The bench can be either permanent or mobile.


Water heater

Set the temperature

Set your water heater to 140 degrees F for best results. Serene Steam use is IAPMO Certified & meets IGC-154-2019 standard.


Water pressure

Your household water pressure

Standard household water pressure should be at least 65 PSI for best results. Please check that your water regulator is up to code. (65 PSI is considered standard).

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